National Consumer Panel: Scan Your Groceries and get FREE Stuff

National Consumer Panel

Do you want to earn rewards and voice your opinions about the products you purchase? Look no further than the National Consumer Panel (NCP). By signing up as an NCP panel member, you can provide valuable feedback to manufacturers and retailers to help them make better decisions about their products.

If you are accepted as a NCP panel member, they will provide you with a hand-held scanner. Every time you or members of your household shop, you’ll use the scanner to scan the bar-codes on your purchases. Then, once per week you transmit your purchase information to Nielsen by placing the scanner in it’s base and hitting “transmit”.

ncp - National Consumer Panel

What’s in it for you? Well, for starters, you can earn entries into monthly and quarterly sweepstakes for a chance to win cash prizes. For each week of the month that NCP receives your purchase information, you’ll earn one entry into the $100 Monthly Sweepstakes. That’s up to four entries every month! Additionally, if NCP receives your purchase information every week in the month, you’ll earn one entry into the quarterly $500 Super Scanner Sweepstakes. That’s up to three entries every quarter! And if NCP receives your purchase information every week in a qualifying quarter, you’ll earn one entry into their Cash Giveaway Sweepstakes where you can win $5,000!

But that’s not all – you can also earn rewards just for participating in the program. As an NCP panel member, you’ll receive access to their exclusive NCPMobile app. When you purchase items at the store, you can use the app to scan barcodes and provide other purchase details. This data is then shared with NCP, and in return, you earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards, merchandise, and more!

Joining NCP is easy – simply sign up on their website and download the NCPMobile app. Then, start scanning your groceries and sharing your shopping data with NCP. Not only will you earn rewards and have a chance to win cash prizes, but you’ll also be providing valuable feedback to help improve the products you use every day.

from Guide2Free Samples


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