
Showing posts from June, 2023

Boomers Millennials Gen Z: Who Had the Best Childhood Toys?

Each generation has its own unique set of toys that defined their childhoods. From the simple yet imaginative toys of the Baby Boomers, to the… from Guide2Free

15 Energy-Saving Tips That Actually Lower Your Utility Bills

Discover the secrets to slashing your energy bills and living a more sustainable lifestyle in our comprehensive energy-saving guide. From upgrading your lighting to optimizing… from Guide2Free

How to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

Discover innovative and flexible ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom. Turn your free time into a profitable venture without compromising your family commitments.… from Guide2Free

10 Money Lessons from the Past That Still Apply Today

Check out these ten invaluable money lessons from the past that still hold true today. These enduring principles serve as a guiding light for those… from Guide2Free

7 Sites That Let You Sell Your Used Clothing for Cash

Turn your cluttered wardrobe into cash with ease by selling your old clothes, shoes, or handbags. Check out these 7 top-notch online platforms that specialize… from Guide2Free

14 Treasures We Would Find in a 90s Time Capsule

Step into a time machine and journey back to the 90s with us as we explore the treasures that could be unearthed from a time… from Guide2Free

Home Depot Hacks: 10 Insider Secrets for Saving Money in 2023

Are you ready to uncover the secrets that can help you save big while shopping at Home Depot? From discounted paint cans to special price… from Guide2Free

15 Things Younger Generations Dont Know About the Pre-Internet World

“Welcome to the world of Generation Z, where Wi-Fi is a basic need and smartphones are as common as a pair of shoes. But what happens when we rewind the clock to a time before the internet ruled our lives? A time when encyclopedias were our Google and landlines were our lifelines. In this fun journey, we’re going to explore 15 things from the pre-internet world that might leave Gen Z with more questions than answers. Using a Landline Phone Photo Credit: manera via Deposit Photos For Gen Z, the idea of being tethered to a wall while making a phone call might seem like a scene from a historical movie. The freedom of moving around with a mobile phone is something they’ve always known, making the concept of a landline phone quite amusing. Dial-Up Internet Photo Credit: Shaiith79 via deposit Photos The screeching sound of a dial-up internet connection is something Gen Z has likely never experienced. The patience required to wait for a webpage to load bit by bit is a concept that’

10 Easiest Side Hustles for Beginners

In today’s fast-paced world, having a single source of income is often not enough. Whether you’re looking to pay off debt, save for a dream vacation, or simply increase your financial stability, side hustles can be an excellent way to earn extra income. However, starting a side hustle can seem daunting, especially if you’re a beginner. The good news is, there are plenty of opportunities that are easy to start, even for those with little to no experience. 1. Online Tutoring Photo Credit: BogdanPhoto via Deposit Photos Online tutoring is all about sharing your knowledge with others through the internet. You can teach a subject you’re good at, like math or science, or even a language. The best part is, you don’t need to be a certified teacher to do this. All you need is a good understanding of the subject and the ability to explain it clearly to others. 2. Babysitting Photo Credit: serrnovik via Deposit Photos Babysitting is a classic side hustle that’s been around for ages. It

15 Everyday Tasks That Completely Baffle Gen Z

Ah, Generation Z, the digital natives of our world. They can swipe, tap, and scroll before they can even walk. They’ve grown up in an era where answers are just a quick Google search away, and ‘there’s an app for that’ is more than just a catchy phrase—it’s a way of life. But what happens when we strip away the digital comfort blanket? How do they fare in the ‘analog’ world, so to speak? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into a list of 15 everyday tasks that leave Gen Z scratching their heads in confusion. Backing up a Car Without a Rear-View Camera Photo Credit: minervastock / Deposit Photos It’s a sight to behold when a member of the younger generation is presented with the challenge of backing up a car without the aid of a rear-view camera. The reliance on technology has made the art of using side mirrors and turning around to look out the back window a foreign concept to them. Navigating to a Destination Without GPS Photo Credit: VitalikRadko via Deposit Photos