Join the Target Bullseye Insiders for a chance to get invited to Target’s Reviewer Program

Hurry and join the Bullseye Insiders for a chance to share your opinions with Target!

Hurry and join the Bullseye Insiders for a chance to get invited to Target’s Reviewer Program!

What is Bullseye Insiders?

Bullseye Insiders is a consumer community program Target has where they ask your opinions on their products and what kind of stuff you buy.  You want to join it so you can possibly get invited to the reviewer program.

Here’s the deal. They’ll contact you via email a couple of times a month. Give them your honest answers on a series of surveys and online discussion forums during the coming year. In return, you get some inside perspectives on Target, sneak peeks, and opportunities to win Target gift cards. 

PLUS, you have a chance to be invited to the super awesome Hey Bullseye reviewer programTrust me you want in.  They invite the most active members of the Bullseye Insiders.  So make sure to participate as much as you can to possible get the coveted invite. 

Check out what they just sent me to review:

Ready to join? Just click this link and then click on join now and sign up.  You will either get rejected or accepted based on your age and location. 

TIPS on Getting Accepted into Bullseye Insiders

Bullseye Insiders is OPEN and it’s available to everyone. But, it seems certain demographics are getting in and other ones are not.  It seems like Hispanic males in 20-35 age range that live in Ohio are getting easily. (hint)

What’s the difference between Bullseye Insiders and Hey Bullseye?

So just to clarify, Bullseye Insiders and Hey Bullseye are two different things.  Hey Bullseye is an invite-only product testing club. They way to get an invite is to join and be active with Bullseye Insiders for a chance to be invited to the Hey Bullseye Reviewer Program.

from Guide2Free Samples


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