How to Get Paid to Lose Weight in 2022

How to Get Paid to Lose Weight in 2022

Is your New Year’s resolution to shed your unwanted pounds?  Then let me show you how to How to Get Paid to Lose Weight in 2022!!

There are several websites and apps that let your earn money for weight loss and healthy habits.  Here are a few worth trying:


Healthywage wants to pay you to lose weight!  Basically you tell them how much weight you want to lose and then you make a “bet” that your really going to do it.  So say you bet $20 that your really going to lose the weight….if you do lose the pounds you will win real cash!!  

I just did a quick calculation and according to their prize calculator I would get paid between $400-$800 bucks for losing 15 pounds.  Wow, how is that for motivation?

They also have team challenges where you can team up with friends, family, co-workers etc to grow the size of the reward.  For instance in one senario you could bet $25 per month, for three months, to participate, and you could win up to $10,000 if you succeed!


Dietbet is another site that lets you bet on yourself to lose weight.  Join a group of participants and they pool your bets together to create one big pot.  Lose weight and you win and split the pot.

Plus when you join a group on Dietbet you are involved in a community of other people who are also trying to lose weight so you get alot of support and motivation from everyone.  They have tons of challenges you can enter, and many of them have some huge pots!


Shop at Walgreens?  You can earn points to their Balance Rewards program just by tracking your healthy habits.

You can earn 1000 points max per month. You get 250 points for setting a goal & achieving it, 250 points for syncing a device like a fitbit, daily points for walking and logging your weight, and more.   (5,000 points = $5 reward)


Evidation lets you earn rewards with the health and fitness apps you already own, use, and love.  Just connect your favorite app and you’ll start earning points for your healthy habits.  It’s totally set it and forget it.  They sync with tons of apps like fitbit, jawbone, Runkeeper, Myfitnesspal, and many more.

You can cash out when you reach $15 and it costs nothing to become a member and start earning.

from Guide2Free Samples


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