FREE 60 Day Daily Burn Trial

FREE 2 Month Daily Burn Trial

Get a FREE 60 Day Daily Burn Trial!!

Choose from over 800 streaming workouts, including yoga, strength training, cardio, barre, and more. And that number keeps growing: a new workout is added every single day. At Daily Burn, members can workout anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Premium members get early access to new programs and features and exclusive access to archived workouts. The streaming service has even been featured by GMA, Today, The New York Times, USA Today, and more.

Just click here and redeem the offer with your Groupon account.

Promotional value expires 90 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Existing Daily Burn customers are not eligible. Limit 1 per customer, may buy 1 as gift. To redeem, visit, create an account and register a valid credit card with merchant. At the end of the trial period you will be automatically enrolled as a Daily Burn premium member and your credit card will be charged $19.95/month until you cancel. Cancel anytime online through your account. 

from Guide2Free Samples


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