FREE Products after Rebate on Amazon (No Reviews Required)

FREE Products after Rebate on Amazon (No Reviews Required)

Get FREE Products after Rebate on Amazon!

There are a bunch of new sites popping up lately offering FREE Amazon products after rebate. It used to be that sellers offered Amazon products in exchange for reviews, but now that is against Amazon terms of service.  It is no longer aloud.

But….sellers are still offering free products without requiring a review.  Why?  Well…. in order for sellers to climb the the ranks on Amazon, they need to have a lot of sales.  So when they launch new products, they will often give away a certain amount of free products in order to get their sales rank to rise.  Sellers are dying to get their products seen so giving away freebies are worth it to them to gain rankings.

Should I Write a Review? NO! Never.  Anything you get at a discount or from a rebate, you should never ever review. According to Amazon’s terms of service, sellers can not give away products and ask for a review.

“A seller offers a third party a financial reward, discount, free products, or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor’s product. This includes using services that sell customer reviews, websites, or social media groups.”

I see ads all the time from sellers trying to get around the system and offer rebates in exchange for review.  Personally, I only do the offers the DO NOT require a review. I know a lot of people don’t care and do the offers the require a review first because they just want the free stuff.  I do not post those on this site or do them myself.  I would not want to be the reason someone lost their amazon account so that is why I will not post them here.  I do however do ones that don’t require a review.  And I never leave a review for those products ever. Amazon can and will ban you for that and I do not want to lose my account.

So…. with all that out the way.  I’m going to start a list here of places where can get freebies WITHOUT reviews.  If you know of any others let me know!

FREE Products after Rebate on Amazon


Rebaid offers a bunch of products free after rebate.  There is no limit to the number of different product offers you can redeem. Reviews are not required to get your rebate.  They offer many 100% rebates and have tons of different products.  They will either mail you a check or you can get direct deposit for $1.

Rebaid offers two convenient rebate payment options. Mailed checks are FREE and arrive 5-6 weeks after the date of your redemption. In addition we offer a faster direct deposit option. This payment option cost $1 per transaction and is deposited directly in your checking account within 5 days of your redemption.

Sweet Pet Club

Sweet Pet Club offers free pet stuff after rebate. No reviews required.  Every new member is eligible for one free product after they sign up.  Rebates are sent 3 days after purchase.  New offers are released every day at exactly 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT

Cooking Club

This one offers free kitchenware items. Every new member is eligible for one free product after they sign up.  Rebates are sent 3 days after purchase. New offers are released every day at 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am

Plant Lover Club

Join the Plant Lover Club and get a free item every 30 days. (No reviews required!)  Every new member is eligible for one free product after they sign up. Rebates are sent 3 days after purchase. New offers are released every day at 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am


RebateKey is another site that offers free amazon products after rebate.  They have a bunch of products (over 900 rebate items as of right this minute).  The items are 100% off.  The only catch is that you have to wait 35 days to get your rebate.  If you don’t mind the wait then they have tons of stuff you can get for free.

Want more?  Check out my post about how to get items dirt cheap on Amazon

How to Get Items Dirt Cheap on Amazon

FREE Products after Rebate on Amazon (No Reviews Required)

The post FREE Products after Rebate on Amazon (No Reviews Required) appeared first on Guide2Free Samples.

from Guide2Free Samples


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