How To Make Money Online (Without Customers)

So I just came across a great video on YouTube that inspired this post.

If you can’t be bothered to watch it, it’s a video of Ian Fernando  who was at 2019 Affiliate World Europe conference and the interviewer asked him something to the effect of:

What made you get into affiliate marketing?

His reply was something which I can very much relate to, and that is;

“I didn’t want to be dealing with customers, so I Googled “how to make money online without customers” and came across affiliate marketing”.

The reason this resonated with me is that I have a very similar story:

I hate dealing with “clients”!

It’s why I got into affiliate marketing, it’s why I quit my job as an SEO Executive and it’s also why to this day, I refuse clients who want to work with me to help boost their SEO.

If this hits-home too, then you are in luck because this guide is going to show you how to make money online, without dealing with customer emails and all the other BS that comes to having “clients”.

What’s more important to cover though, is what online business you should NOT get into, so let’s start off with that and finish off with why affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online, without dealing with customers and their headaches.

3 “Online Business” Methods You Need To Avoid If You Hate Dealing With Customers

how to make money with affiliate marketing

Freelance Work:

I can’t hate on freelancing too much as it’s how I got my start making money online (before moving to affiliate marketing).

Freelancing is a great way to start making money, and it’s probably the quickest way to start making money but it brings with it a lot of “dealing with clients” issues.

This method involves you going out, finding clients and dealing with their every demand and every objection.

Of course, the bigger your portfolio grows, the more you can charge for your services and the more selective you can be about who you work for but until you get to that point; you’re going to have to deal with a lot of shit from clients.

If this doesn’t put you off, then great – you can see these 10 steps on how to create a freelancing business here – but if, like me – you do not want to deal with clients – then this is not the business model for you.


This method has been around for quite some time but it was only around 2016/2017 that this model became the new “cool thing to do online”.

While dropshipping is great, and I have made a lot of money with dropshipping myself, it’s one of the biggest pain-in-the-ass businesses and yes; you are going to be dealing with a lot of unsatisfied customers.

This is because if you choose to dropship products from China, then this will cause plenty of shipping issues which of course, pissed your customers off (and you have to deal with it).

While yes – you can hire assistants to deal with all of “customer support” related issues, if you’re just starting out; then I’m going to assume you do not have the budget for an assistant just yet.

If you can deal with plenty of angry emails from customers, then drop shipping may be for you but if not, it’s best to avoid.

NB: You can see my “get started with dropshipping” guide for more information about that.

Agency Work:

Last but not least, we have the “marketing agency” model which everyone seems to be starting these days (you can thank Tai Lopez for that).

While I don’t have anything against people starting their own marketing agencies, I’m pretty sure many underestimate how hard it is to make a digital marketing agency successful and how demanding customers are when they are paying you to handle their “digital marketing”.

As I said above, I too was an executive at a digital marketing agency before jumping full-time into affiliate marketing, which (although scary) I believe was a great choice. Here’s why…

6 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Way To Make Money Online

how to make money online without customers

No Customers To Deal With

Yes – affiliate marketing allows you to make money online, without dealing with customer-support issues because it’s the company selling the products that have to deal with the customer.

Let’s say I send someone to Amazon (using my Amazon affiliate link) and they buy a hot-tub.

I have no responsibilities about the hot-tub, how to get it there, “customer-satisfaction” and all that BS.

All I do is collect my commission, and go try and sell another hot-tub.

Now, of course, I do need to “provide value” to my reader (to turn them into a customer), but we’ll talk about that later.

You Don’t Get Paid By The Hour

Another huge benefit of affiliate marketing (& you can see an even bigger list of them here) is that you do not get paid by the hour.

You get paid when you sell products, and thanks to how affiliate marketing works, you do not have to sell the product yourself.

Instead, it’s your website that sells the product.

All you have to do (as an affiliate marketer) is to get people to your website and convince then that the product is right for them, the rest is not your problem.

This is not the case with a freelancer/agency for example. With that business model, you are still getting paid by the hour, meaning you have to “show up” or you do not get paid.

Your Earning Potential Is Unlimited

With affiliate marketing, your potential for earnings is unlimited.

This is because as I said just above, it’s not you who is selling the product, it’s your website.

You can be asleep, on vacation or drinking with the boys but your website is still online, people can still visit and people can (and will) be buying up the products you are recommending.

(Of course, this is easier-said-than-done but don’t worry as I have a free course that will show you how to make money with affiliate marketing down below).

You Can Make Money Wherever You Want

Want to pack your bags and go work on the other side of the world?

If you can afford it and if your business is big enough to sustain you full time, then yes – you can do this.

Of course, you can still do the same with a dropshipping store, but let’s face it;

Who wants to be on vacation dealing with “where’s my order” emails from pissed off customers?

You Do Have To Bring “Value” Though

This is not really a “benefit”, but it’s something that has to be said;

While you do not have any customers to deal with using affiliate marketing to make money, you still need to be providing a “service” for people.

The service you provide is information, which you need to be providing at the highest level possible.

It’s your job to do the research, it’s your job to build a website that attracts people, it’s your job to get people to your website and convince them (with clever use of the written word) to buy what you have to offer.

If you know what you’re doing, this shouldn’t be too hard, which is why I want to end this article off with what an invitation to try what I think is the best affiliate marketing training course you can get.

Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing (The Right Way)

If you’re looking for ways to make money online, I hope this post has shown you how incredible affiliate marketing can be for those who are not too fond of dealing with people and their many issues.

This is what attracted me to affiliate marketing in the first place but it took me a while to figure out how to make money with it (as many beginners know, affiliate marketing is not as easy as they make it out to be).

I had all but given up until I came across the Wealthy Affiliate course.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you all you need to know to be able to start, build and maintain a successful affiliate marketing business.

You can see my full (official) Wealthy Affiliate review here, or – you can go ahead and create your free starter-account here.

✋How Would You Like An $97 Bonus Before You Go?

Wealthy Affiliate Mockup 11

Wealthy Affiliate has a free membership option that allows you to see what it’s all about and how it can help you.

It also has a premium membership and you can get your first month for just $19. This will give you unrestricted access to all training courses, including a free weekly LIVE webinar + 200 hours worth of video content.

For a limited time only, I am offering my $97 SEO course for free to all those who go premium using the $19 introductory offer.

This means that for just $19, you are going to get full access to Wealthy Affiliate + full access to my $97 SEO course, free of charge.

To learn more about this, you can visit the Affiliate Starter Pack bundle page >>

Final Words

So there you have it.

You now know what you need to do (and not do) to make money online without dealing with pain-in-the-ass customers all day long.

If you found this useful, please give it a share with some like-minded people, I’m sure they will also find it informative.

I’ll leave you to it.

Christian “can’t be bothered with customers” Lee.

from 3HUNDRD


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